This week we are taking a break from our regular blogging schedule and looking back at MMCW’s 2011 reader favorites. Today we are sharing our top blog posts, if you missed them the first time around enjoy!
Tomorrow we’ll be sharing our top recipes.
All That and a Bag of Chips / Kellie Renfroe
How many will admit to feeling scrutiny, not as a teenager, but right now in life? Sadly enough, at the hands of other sisters in Christ? We’ve all been there, in the stands, saying and doing things that tear down instead of build up another’s life. Continued here.
Hill of Calvary / Janna Widdifield
Guest blogger, Janna, shares how to create a beautiful hill of Calvary for Easter. Continued here.
Ten Ways to Get Husbands to Talk / Bob & Cheryl Moeller
Basic Premise: There are no husbands who will not talk, only husbands who do not believe they will be listened to. If your husband believes you will listen to him, he will talk to you. This is a question that we are asked often. These are some practical ideas that work. Continued here.
Forget My Birthday / Jackie Henry
Life is not made up by our days turning to years. Life is what we make it, the way we conduct our lives, day to day, year to year. If we try to lead a life of holiness, following after God, then this far outweighs the feeling of aging. It is the fleshly man that makes us look in the mirror and see the spots. We should try to look through God’s eyes and see ourselves as He see us. Continued here.
12 Ways to a No-Regret Life / Bob & Cheryl Moeller
Teach these practical, transferable 12 crucial life lessons to help your children make wise choices, each day. From truths learned from personal experience, we want to encourage you to teach your children these disaster-busters. (They work well for adults, too.) Continued here.
Show Me How: Dehydrating 101 / Jan Nellis
That little dehydrator of mine rarely stops. I’d like to share some of my joy with you in this series on dehydrating just in case you’ve ever thought you might want to try your hand at preserving delicious food from your kitchen. Continued here.
Do I Trust God? / Lydia Harris
I always thought I trusted God. But situations came up that showed me I didn’t really trust Him as much as I thought. Instead, I trusted in others and myself. Continued here.
When It’s All Too Much / Ann Stewart
When her family moved from Virginia to Guatemala with Servants4Him, my friend Maureen and her husband de-materialized. That meant her family had to get rid of a lot of stuff for the big move. From their ten-year-old daughter to their junior in high school, the family was on board to downsize and de-clutter. Continued here.
Our Merry Little Christmas / Lydia Harris
Reflecting on our merry little Christmas, I realized that memories of Christmas shouldn’t hinge on one single day. Christmas is only
one small snapshot in our family’s photo album of life. Continued here.
A Mother’s Love / Vicki Huffman
A Christian mother’s life is guided by faith, hope, and love. A mother’s faith prepares her children and entrusts them to God. Continued here.
Walking the Romans Road / Kellie Renfroe
My pastor recently spent a Sunday evening service walking our congregation through a well-known method called the Romans Road. It allows believers to share the gospel confidently without worrying “Where was that scripture?” All you need is your Bible and a pen to set up the Romans Road. Continued here.
Summer Goals for Family Fun & Growth / Rhonda Ellis
Four part series on taking control of the summer by setting priorities, preparing hearts, setting goals, seeking God’s wisdom and developing family relationships. Continue here.
About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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