Summer Goals for Family Fun & Growth – Part 1

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“Be careful, then, how you live–not as unwise but as wise making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15,16

To accomplish an enjoyable and productive summer for your family begin by setting your goals now. Prayerfully consider each of the following points:

What are the priorities for your family this summer?

o   To grow spiritually.
o   To learn to be a goal setter, to have ambition, to think big.
o   To be productive and use time wisely.
o   To prevent (reduce) wasted time (TV, video, computer).
o   To plan for relaxation.
o   To build family relationships.
o   To build friendships.
o   To further talents and skills.
o   To plan to minister to others.
o   To prevent self-absorption.
o   To learn how to talk with God about this and get ideas from Him and set goals/priorities according to HIS plan.

What are you wanting to limit/minimize this summer?

  • TV, computer, fighting, hanging out in room alone, texting, hibernating phone/computer games, wasting time.
  • Kids should not wake up saying, Where are we going today?
  • Make home be your families’ favorite place.
  • Work toward the closest friendships being family members.
  • Work toward living by the priorities.
  • When your day is off track, just do the next thing.
  • Have a TO DO list of daily chores/things needing to be done. Work toward daily chores by not complaining but helping out as a family member. Make sure they have time for fun/relaxing.
  • Go over day’s schedule as a family (shows respect).

In part 2 of this series on Monday, we will break down our goals into categories covering spiritual, character, home, relationships, and more.

Today’s challenge: In your journal or a notebook, use my lists as a starting point to list what your family’s purpose will be this summer. Next, list the areas to limit or minimize in the next few months. Share with your spouse and add in his recommendations and any changes he suggests. Now that you have a  priorities list for your summer, begin praying together. Allow the Lord to speak to your hearts and further develop and fine tune your list.

About Rhonda Ellis

Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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