Back in August, reader Julie David emailed asking for MMCW’s recommendation for the best book on Christian women mentoring other Christian women. This sparked a week long discussion of our favorite mentoring and leadership books with Julie via email. Here’s a list of books we have personally read and used in no particular order.
Page Hughes recommends:
The greatest mentors in the Bible: 32 relationships God used to change the world: A Devotional Guide
by Tim Elmore
A devotion guide leading you through 32 mentoring relationships throughout the Bible. Lots of fun to see how God has used personal relationships to encourage and inspire His children throughout the Bible and through the years since.
Table for Two: Doing Life and Savoring Scriptures Together by Amy Pierson and Mona Cowan
I am presently working through this mentoring book. This mentoring book is written by two ladies from Prestonwood Baptist church in Texas. Written to mentor teens, it’s perfect for women too.
Kellie Renfroe recommends:
Guardians of the Gate: Enriching Your Life Through Spiritual Mentoring by Ann Platz
I heard Ms. Platz years ago at a mentoring luncheon in Atlanta and fell in love with her Southern charm and humor. She is a mentor’s mentor filled with wisdom and continually points readers to the Bible. I love the chapter about spiritual gatekeepers.
A Pebble in the Pond: The Ripple Effect : Leadership Skills Every Woman Can Achieve by Julie Baker
Wonderful book for those involved in leadership and mentoring leaders. Ms. Baker covers topics from basic leadership concerns to more complex subjects in an easy-to-read style that lends itself to discussion.
A Woman’s High Calling by Elizabeth George
Excellent meat-and-potatoes study of “twelves” essential to a godly woman’s life. Mrs. George cuts no corners and tells it straight–covering everything from setting priorities to dealing with negative situations.
Breaking Free
by Beth Moore
Fabulous Bible study for small groups or individual use, especially for abuse survivors and for those who have issues with addictions, boundaries, relationship problems. I highly recommend this study for every woman–it should be required reading! Available in hardback book, I recommend the indepth study with the workbook along with either the audio CDs or the Leader’s Kit with DVDs.
Molly Evert recommends:
The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace for marriage mentoring.
The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson for mentoring a younger mom.
Vicki Huffman recommends:
Women Mentoring Women by Vickie Kraft
Vickie Kraft was one of the first leaders in women’s ministry to write about the need for women to mentor women. This book is a classic on the subject.
Marriage Miracle by Bob and Cheryl Moeller
I am taking individual and small groups of women through this book Bob and I wrote. Although the word marriage is in the title, it’s for singles too. It contains scripture, principles, and stories for softening one’s heart. It also has a prayer and discussion question section at the end of each chapter. At the end of the book are practical exams, grids, worksheets, and prayer guides that, if used with the searchlight of the Holy Spirit, will soften your heart.
What are your favorite mentoring / leadership books?
About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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