Top Recipes of 2011

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In 2011, MMCW shared many wonderful recipes. Our top recipes are those most visited on our blog over the course of the year. Enjoy!

Tomorrow Molly will be sharing her 2011 favorites.

He Has Risen! Rolls
Guest blogger Janna Widdifield’s easy Easter dessert rolls top our list of reader favorites for 2011.

Crockpot Lasagna


Jan’s Apple Bread


German Apple Strudel


Angel Food Bars


Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup


Spring Lime Pie


Pecan-Coconut Pound Cake


Christmas Punch


French Quarter Cheese


Grandma’s Steak and Potatoes Crockpot Casserole


Dream Cake


About Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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Kellie Renfroe

Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 18 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.

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