Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS

Other Mothers

It has been a quarter century since my mother-in-law died and yet, in many ways, in seems like last month. Our family still uses her recipes and talks about her caring ways. We laugh about her funny expressions. A recent spring cool spell reminded me …


My Mother-in-Law’s Legacy

“The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.” That statement was in the flyleaf of my mother-in-law’s Bible. Many years ago I read it as I sat by her hospital bed in her den where Mom, at …

From Here to Maternity

Do you ever hear an expression that reminds you of something your mother used to say? Do you find yourself using the same expressions—even the ones you swore you wouldn’t—with your own children? A mother’s words, whether because of wisdom or mere repetition, can become …

Sweet Ideas for Mother’s Day

Need some inspiration for Mother’s Day gifts? Mom’s Love Rub Jan Nellis’ creamy soaps, scrubs, and candles are simply glorious. I have used the peppermint soap and cannot rave enough about it. Made with goat’s milk and a light mint fragrance, this soap is creamy …

A Mother’s Love

Based on 1 Corinthians 13: If a mother speaks with the tongues of teacher and preacher to her children, if she urges them repeatedly to behave and make good grades so they won’t embarrass her, she becomes merely a loud noise that can be gotten …

A Mother’s Day Letter…

Rather than the focus being on what I can get or hope to get on Mother’s Day, I write a note to each family member and express reasons that make that person so special and let them know they are truly loved, valued, and an …