Showing: 1 - 10 of 24 RESULTS
Now they all know I love them

Now They All Know I Love Them

* Affiliate links included. Timmy’s family had recently moved to a small town where he had begun second grade. One day he rushed home to tell his mother that his class was planning their Valentine’s Day party. They would each hang up a decorated sack …

What I Love About Him / photo by Christa Young

What I Love About Him

“Un” Husband Bashing Can I safely say, we’ve all done it? Sitting around with a group of women listing the things that get on our nerves about our husbands.  I feel like men are guilty of this too, however, we are probably worse because we …

Lasting Valentines

Grandparents make a huge impact on their grandchildren’s lives. Although all my grandparents lived on another continent and I never met them, they passed on a godly heritage through their faith and prayers. In turn, I want to pass on a Christian heritage to my …


I once was looking for love and I could not find it. It eluded me for many years. That which I believed to be love was only a vanishing mist over the waters of fantasy; the deep waters of fantasy. I dared to dip my …

Red Velvet Chocolate Chip Cookies

A while back, I was sitting in one of my classes, Spiritual Formation to be exact, where we were all sharing special traditions. One lady explained how her mother would make cookies every Sunday afternoon to put in her children’s lunches all week. I was …