Fullness of Joy

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”…so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them.” [John 17:13b]

There are some very real and glorious promises given by God. Joy is one of them, but joy is the fruit. Like any fruit it grows out of something—it’s part of an ecological system…so also is the joy of the Lord.

Two things Jesus mentions as part of a fruit bearing system are:

First, Obedience : “For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them.” [John 17:8a]

Second, Certainty:  “…They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me.” [John 17:8b]

However, the result of this system is far more than joy. Just by being His disciples we bring Glory to God, we are surrounded by His powerful protection and kept safe by the name Jesus! [v.10-11] In fact we don’t go anywhere without the Father or the Son! Being one with them creates a constant cleansing system to be at work in our lives called ‘sanctification.’

”For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. “ [John 17:19]

“The majority have never allowed our minds to dwell as they should on these great massive truths; consequently sanctification has been made to mean a second dose of conversion. Sanctification can only be named in the presence of God, it is stamped by a likeness to Christ.” [Oswald Chambers]

God has provided a safe-place for His disciples. Even now He is pressing in upon us so that we will know how important drawing close to Him is for empowering and equipping to stand in the days ahead.

Diane M. Hale for the past 30 years has served as evangelist, trainer, teacher, mentor, and consultant for churches of many denominations. Visit her website at http://dianehale.net

January’s Rooted in Christ theme is Joy.

Reading God’s Story Schedule today, 1/10/13: Genesis 17-19.
Join hosts Page and Cindy on Facebook where we are discussing our first week of Bible reading. PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer using the You Version Group to discuss the daily readings. Page and Cindy found an easier way by setting up a Facebook Group. Everyone is invited to join by going to https://www.facebook.com/groups/316067615171001/ and clicking the ‘Join Group’ button. As of 1/7/13 we have 370+ women reading and discussing Scripture together! Join us and invite your friends too!


Thank you to today's guest blogger for sharing with us all!

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Thank you to today's guest blogger for sharing with us all!

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