Showing: 251 - 260 of 277 RESULTS

Ministering to Single-Again Adults

There are many opportunities for the body of Christ to minister to single-again-adults that do not necessarily involve money. Holidays are especially difficult for singles, but those days can be turned to times of joy and happiness when someone reaches out to them. Expressing God’s …

Caribbean Christmas

In most of the Caribbean, Santa Claus does not visit. The islands have a very strong Catholic background and the Christmas season is a religious holiday. The focus is on the birth of Jesus and the visit of the Magi. I grew up on the …

Christmas Blessings

It’s so much fun to hear the prompting of the Holy Spirit and just trust Him. One Christmas, we heard of a newly single mother of four young children, who was in great need. I talked with my children about her situation. We prayed about …

Happy Birthday, Jesus Party

Carolyn Mayo Since the boys were little, we have had a Happy Birthday, Jesus party with neighborhood children. The party and games change as the kids get older. This party can also be taken to schools–even public school–because it is our family tradition. It is …

Celebrating Jesus’ Birthday

Kari Decker For our Happy Birthday, Jesus party each of my kids invited three friends. The invitation explained everything we would be doing. I said in the invitation this would be a party for Jesus and mentioned what we can do for Jesus: We can …

When the Carolers Came

Cindy J. Evans It was a cold bitter night at the county nursing home, many were feeling sad, many felt all alone. Their rooms seemed dreary, lacking Christmas cheer. They felt lost, forgotten, missing friends who weren’t near. When suddenly, softly…could it be…? Sweet sounds …

Cinnamon & Baking Soda Ornaments

Kellie Renfroe Two favorites when it comes to homemade decorations are cinnamon and baking soda ones. Children love the fun they provide — of course parents and grandparents love them too! Cinnamon Ornaments Mix 3/4 cup to 1 cup of applesauce with one 4 ounce …