These are easy, fun, and very tasty.
- 1/2 stick of butter (melted)
- 1 can of large refrigerated biscuits
- Large marshmallows (8 of them)
- A bowl of cinnamon and sugar mix
Preheat over to 350 degrees.
Take the white marshmallow. Jesus was pure and sinless like this marshmallow.
Roll marshmallow in butter and then in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. The butter represents the anointing oil and the cinnamon-sugar mixture represents the spices–both items were put on Jesus’ body before they laid Him in the tomb.
Wrap the biscuit around the marshmallow and seal the dough around it. This part is very important–make sure the dough is completely sealed around the marshmallow. After they put Jesus in the tomb, they rolled a large stone in front of it to seal it.
Roll the ball of dough in butter and then into the cinnamon-sugar mixture.
Place on the cookie sheet. Tip: I sort of wrapped the dough around the marshmallow and pinched the dough together. Make sure that the side that you did the most “pinching” and “sealing” becomes the “bottom” of the tomb/roll. This will help keep the roll sealed.
Otherwise, this will happen (see below). The roll will bake apart, exposing the marshmallow.
Place the tray of rolls in oven for about 10-12 minutes or until done.
Let the rolls cool and then serve.
Encourage your little sprout to break open the tomb to look for Jesus. Where is He? He has risen!
How do the He Has Risen! rolls taste? “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Psalm 34:8
The rolls taste sweet, of course. Easter is a time to celebrate the sweetest gift of all–our salvation through Jesus. Although He was blameless, He died on the cross for our sins; was buried in a tomb from three days; then rose from the dead.
P.S. Thanks to my friend Jodie, who sent me great ideas for Easter (like these rolls).
Janna Widdifield: I’m a writer by trade, a crafter by choice, and a mother by God’s plan. I combined those gifts to create a blog called Mustard Seeds—Growing a Big Faith in my Little Sprouts. The blog was born out of my desire to teach my children about the Lord though creative activities and crafting. It reflects our daily life–sometimes mundane and routine, sometimes creative and inspirational. I live with my husband and three young children in Colorado where I enjoy camping, gardening, crafting, reading Golden Books, watching Mary Poppins and making pie.