“I am the man who has seen affliction Because of the rod of His wrath. He has driven me and made me walk in darkness and not in light” [Lamentations 3:1-2]
Around the kitchen table is a place of compassion because it is also a place where the consequences and complications of disobedience are revealed.
In his book, “The Mystery of God’s Will” Charles Swindoll says, “…when you do wrong, when you compromise with the truth, you begin to be afflicted, because God doesn’t let His children play fast and loose in the traffic. He faithfully disciplines those He loves. He wants to bring us back. And so, in His mysterious will. He faithfully afflicts us with the rod of righteousness.”
Watching young women struggle with the consequences of their gods of addiction breaks the heart and causes the words of Jesus, “But go and learn what this means: “I desire mercy and not sacrifice” [Matthew 9:13] to pierce the heart with the compassion of Christ turning religion into relationship and His mercy is present to change lives.
Perhaps that’s why He calls us His disciples. Around the kitchen table we urge one another to stay true to God by living true, but more than that by sharing the mercy of a merciful God. A God of more than second chance whose mercies are new every morning. The heart that is changed the most is the one who becomes the channel of compassion around the kitchen table.