Vicki Pickett
Each Christmas Eve I write Brad, my husband, a letter. I spend some time praying and thinking about the year and things we have been through. Then I tell him specific things I am thankful for that he has done for me or our family. For example, the year my Daddy was in a wreck on August 19 and died on December 23rd (and was on a ventilator the entire time). Brad literally took over being “Mom.” I mentioned how thankful I was for his support while I spent nights at the hospital, slept days while he was caring for our boys.
I let Brad know how thankful the boys and I are that he works so hard for us and the things we are able to do because of that. This year I will mention the cabin in the middle of nowhere that has already given us special memories and time to relax.
Most importantly, I mention attributes of Christ that I have seen exhibited in his life during the year and give examples of times I have seen these. I comment on areas of spiritual growth. I try to encourage him. And, of course, tell him how much I love him and that I am committed to him.
I always put this letter beside a lamp that is on so he can find it as he’s turning off the lights for the night. He reads it then comes to bed. It makes Christmas Eve a very special evening. We wake up Christmas morning remembering how much Christ has done in our lives and how much we mean to each other.