Showing: 321 - 326 of 326 RESULTS

Dealing with Depression

Heather Davis, Contributing Writer Lazy Day Ranch DEPRESSED–sad and gloomy; dejected; downcast DEPRESSION–a condition of general emotional dejection and withdrawal; sadness greater and more prolonged than that warranted by any objective reason. I have only been on this journey of widowhood for eight months now.  …

Journaling Through Loss

Jackie Henry Losing someone we love through death is one of the most stressful events we will ever endure. The stress takes a toll on our emotions, our bodies, and our health. Journal writing can be a simple and practical way to relieve some of …

50 Ways to Say, “I Love You!”

Stephanie Little 1. Write those three little words in lipstick on the car rear-view mirror. 2. Send a free e-card. 3. Steal his hand-held calendar and write it in the notes section. 4. Hang a note inside the refrigerator 5. Put a note in his …