Showing: 311 - 320 of 326 RESULTS

And We Laughed As Silly Kids Will Do

Patti M. Hummel It’s Summer Time and the living is easy… Great lyrics to a song most of us recognize, but have times changed so much since they were penned by Ira and George Gershwin and their fellow writer DuBose Heyward in 1935?  Oh, yes, …

Keeping the Tongue in Check

Beba Schlottmann Nothing will tarnish your testimony more than engaging in back-stabbing gossip and slander with co-workers. I recall one of my husband’s assignments to minister at a church–we had just been hired and were having lunch with the staff. The pastor could not come …

A Sorry Repentance

We do our children no favors if we allow ourselves to be duped by a display of tears or the word “sorry” when it does not spring from true repentance over sin. All children will express sorrow when they are disciplined, but this kind of repentance is aimed only at getting their privileges restored. It can be hard to hold out for true repentance, but the real thing is worth it.

Opportunies to Mentor Younger Women

There are many wonderful things we can do as single-again adults that add joy and encouragement to the lives of others, particularly younger women. The most important thing we can do to provide hope and refreshment to the souls of younger women is praying for …

Advice for New Bride

You are your husband’s number one prayer warrior. The late wife of Dr. Billy Graham, Ruth Bell Graham said, “It’s not our job to change him. It’s our job to love him. It’s God’s job to change him.” Those words have spoken volumes to me over the past 17 years of marriage.

My Busy Day

Do you ever feel overwhelmed in life? Do you sometimes wonder how you are going to keep all those balls juggling in the air? And, if you drop a ball–well, it won’t be pretty. There are many pressures on us as moms. Usually, we are …


Dawn Hays When my mother was seven, she fell and was unable to stand again.  She had contracted polio, and her left leg was irreparably damaged and paralyzed.  She spent a year homebound, relearning to walk, and was limited in many ways.  She could, however, …

Letter to a New Bride

My younger sister found an old letter from me this week, full of advice about her upcoming marriage.  I was a young wife myself when I penned this letter to a new bride, having only been married four years at the time. I wrote, “Christians …