If your Facebook profile says “single” and you’re over the age of twenty, chances are you wonder if you’ll ever be able to change it. I know, I’ve been there.
Facebook wasn’t around when I was single, but I still remember the desire to change my “profile.” It seemed many of my friends were becoming involved with great guys, getting engaged and planning the wedding of a lifetime, and I was stuck buying another bridesmaid’s dress.
One particular day, I remember crying out to the Lord, wondering about His plan for my life and why everything was moving so slowly. I was in college, preparing for a future career, had plenty of sweet friends, a great family and a growing relationship with the Lord, but I felt like something, or rather someone, was missing and I was tired of waiting for him. As I cried and prayed, a popular Christian song came on the radio. The chorus repeated one phrase over and over: “Wait, wait, wait on the Lord.”
Suddenly, I realized I was waiting for the wrong thing. I was anxiously waiting for Prince Charming to come and sweep me away into a blissful future, when I should have been waiting for Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to settle me, make me content, and prepare me for His plans. As the truth of the song made its way into my heart, I stopped my complaining to the Lord and completely surrendered my desires for a husband to God’s will for my future. I let go and decided to wait on the Lord instead of waiting for a man.
In the days and months that followed, things changed. God gave me a new sense of contentment and joy for the moment in which I was living. He taught me from His Word how to be the woman He created me to be. As I waited on Him, God showed Himself to me in big ways, bringing a sense of happiness I hadn’t experienced before. Instead of waiting for a man to open doors for me, I waited on the Lord to open doors and lead me through them each day.
One unexpected day, when I wasn’t even looking, the Lord opened a pretty significant door and introduced me to my future. His name is Dan and he is God’s choice for my life. Months later, as we reflected on our meeting, we talked about how God’s timing is perfect. We met as college seniors, became engaged after graduation, and were married the following year. I’m so thankful God gave me the desire to wait on Him for my future.
His way, His timing, His plans are always perfect. You can trust Him in the waiting. So don’t worry about that profile, or better yet, why not change it to “Waiting on the Lord”?
“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.” Psalm 62:5
Stephanie Little
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