A splendid book to read at Christmas is A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote. It is a touching book, beautifully illustrated, about the memories a young boy has of an elderly relative that he used to live with, and what she taught him.
Last year after reading this poignant story, we made our very own Christmas Memory book to hold each year’s memories. Pulling the memory book out and reading the previous years’ memories is a special treat.
To make a memory book, you need to gather these simple materials:
a bound composition notebook
scrapbooking paper
glue and scissors
extra embellishments
First you make the cover by laying the scrapbooking paper on the table, print side down. After placing glue on the paper, you fold the edges in like you are wrapping a gift. If there is excess paper, trim it off. Cut 2 pieces of paper the size of the inside of the notebook covers and glue them down on the inside of the front and back cover.
Decide how many sections you want to have in your memory book. You can make sections for things such as:
tasty treats
books we read
gifts we made
friends we visited
people we blessed
crafts we made
fun we had
Divide the notebook into these sections by cutting scrapbooking paper to fit on top of a page. You can write the title of the section on this page and put stickers or embellishments on the page. We folded ribbon and placed it on each section so that we could easily turn to that section. You can see from the photograph that we have four sections in our book.
I hope that you enjoy making this book and most of all that you enjoy pulling it out each year and reminiscing about the Christmas holidays of years past. Happy memory making to you!
Brenda Sain is a homeschooling mother of five who has a wonderful husband encouraging her to be the woman that God has created her to be. Together they are very intentional about spending time together as a family. She considers her daily life with her children as her ministry and has found many avenues to encourage others to live a lifestyle of learning. She is the founder of an online homeschool community, Our Lifestyle of Learning (http://www.ourlifestyleoflearning), and a curriculum review site authored by a group of well-known homeschool bloggers, Curriculum Choice (http://www.thecurriculumchoice.com). She blogs about their homeschool journey and family traditions at Tie That Binds Us. (http://www.thetiethatbindsus.blogspot.com).
Brenda Sain is a homeschooling mother of five who has a wonderful husband encouraging her to be the woman that God has created her to be. Together they are very intentional about spending time together as a family. She considers her daily life with her children as her ministry and has found many avenues to encourage others to live a lifestyle of learning. She is the founder of an online homeschool community, Our Lifestyle of Learning (http://www.ourlifestyleoflearning), and a curriculum review site authored by a group of well-known homeschool bloggers, Curriculum Choice (http://www.thecurriculumchoice.com). She blogs about their homeschool journey and family traditions at Tie That Binds Us. (http://www.thetiethatbindsus.blogspot.com).