“Everything is possible for him who believes” [Mark 9:27].
On the wall just next to the lamp is a sign—I believe in miracles—given Christmas 2007 in a gift exchange game. Unbeknownst to the giver, after years of pain and disappointment, a promise had been given—“by Christmas a new baby girl would arrive into our family through the home of our daughter.” This promise was, by all human and earthly accounts, impossible.
Suddenly, through the adoption process, the promise seemed to be happening. Then failure and the promise was lost. The promise unfulfilled left sadness and almost an end of hope.
Until Christmas 2008 when the promise came alive. On December 27th, the promise from heaven was delivered into the arms of our daughter and the heart of our family–Ava Grace…a miracle of God!
Don’t ever give up…keep on believing. “God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” [Numbers 23:19]
“Faith, mighty faith the promise sees; And rests on that alone: Laughs at impossibilities, And says it shall be done.” [Charles Wesley]
Related Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31 Mark 10:27