Maintaining Balance During Christmas

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Determine your stress level and decide not to do more than you can handle this year. For me, this means thatchristmas5 the amount we have decorated our home has varied. Some years, we have put lights on the outside of the house; others years we have not. Some years we have had trees in all the bedrooms; other years we have not. Some years we have hosted lots of Christmas parties in our home, other years we have not. One year, due to being in the midst of a huge home remodeling endeavor and feeling completely discombobulated, we didn’t open a single Christmas decoration box. I went to the store and bought a ready-made Charlie Brown tree. It was what I could handle at the time, and it all worked out just fine.

Determine that you will laugh while setting up the tree and decorations so that the tone is continued year after year and passed down from generation to generation. If your family’s like mine, this can be a tense time when different personalities are working together. Avoid being a perfectionist.

Pray and ask Christ for the balance you need. Remember, this is about celebrating His birthday. Give serious thought to what you can do for Him and what changes, if any, you can make in His honor. Ask Him to show you how to keep Him first in your life and your holiday season. Think about how you’d like to grow in your walk with Him. Also pray about who your family can reach out to. He’ll give you ideas.

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About Rhonda Ellis

Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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