Meet Kelly Stigliano

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Hi there! I’m Kelly J. Stigliano. My husband, Jerry and I enjoy life in Orange Park, FL. A blended family, we have five grown children, a granddaughter, and a new grandbaby on the way—none of whom live in Florida!

I grew up in a small northeastern Ohio town, not realizing I was Yankee (non-Amish) until I was eight years old. Our high school graduating class of 93 students was the largest ever at that time. I quickly moved through the statistics of being a pregnant teenager, teen bride, abused spouse, and single mother, all within a five year period.

I learned about Jesus as a child in Sunday school. I met Him personally as a frustrated single mother of two sweet but rowdy preschoolers. As I learned more about Christ and His love, my heart grew like the Grinch’s heart – bigger and bigger and bigger!

As a poor single mom growing in a new relationship with Jesus Christ, I had enough faith to enroll my daughter in Christian school. I wasn’t sure how I’d pay the tuition but I knew that’s what the Lord wanted me to do, so I obeyed. That’s where I met Jerry, her handsome, single principal. Within two months, God moved on someone’s heart to give my daughter a scholarship. I was learning about trusting God!

Jerry asked me out in November and we were married the following November. We had each been divorced, so getting married was another step of faith. All statistics say a second marriage like ours shouldn’t work, but I’m happy to report that we’ll celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary this winter!

God teaches me lessons and I write about them, pass them along to magazines or e-zines and, hopefully, we all learn together. No one benefits when we wear masks, so I try to keep it real.

To read some articles I’ve had published, explore the books I’ve contributed to, hear a dramatization of God’s story in my life from the “UNSHACKLED!” radio program, read about the topics I speak on most often, or see photos of my beautiful family, please visit my website,

Life is like a whitewater rafting ride. You never know what’s up ahead, but you know you’re not alone. So just hang on tight, let the spray of God’s goodness wash over you, and enjoy the ride!

About Kelly Stigliano

Kelly J. Stigliano has been writing and speaking for over 3 decades. She and Jerry have celebrated more than 30 wedding anniversaries together—all proof of God’s redemptive power! Kelly made bad choices for years and shares the lessons she’s learned along the way, hoping to keep others from making the same mistakes. Because no one benefits when we wear masks, she tries to stay transparent. “Everyone has skeletons in their closets, but my closets don’t have doors on them!”

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Kelly Stigliano

Kelly J. Stigliano has been writing and speaking for over 3 decades. She and Jerry have celebrated more than 30 wedding anniversaries together—all proof of God’s redemptive power! Kelly made bad choices for years and shares the lessons she’s learned along the way, hoping to keep others from making the same mistakes. Because no one benefits when we wear masks, she tries to stay transparent. “Everyone has skeletons in their closets, but my closets don’t have doors on them!”

To read some articles I’ve had published, hear about God’s story in my life from the “UNSHACKLED!” radio program or the Focus on the Family broadcasts, see my book, Praying for Murder, Receiving Mercy: From At-Risk to At Peace; My Journey from Fear to Freedom or explore the anthologies I’ve contributed to, please visit my website,

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