“Whoever believes in me, …streams of living water will flow from within him…” [John 7:38]
Work that comes out of the overflow of God’s life within man, is the boundless, abundant life that Jesus spoke of “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full”. [John 10:10] The healthy soul draws deeply from that life by staying close to the source, sharing with spiritual friends and maintaining the discernment that can read the signs of the times.
Life in this 21st century is chaotic—the fast pace and tension filled world presses down upon the soul and sucks the life dry—in his book, “Deep Change”, Robert E. Quinn says. “The path of change is often tortuous, with no clearly defined structure for determining if our action is right or wrong”. But there’s an old hymn that goes—“I’ve anchored my soul in the cleft of the rock…”, we have an anchor for our soul in the place where we hear the guidance we need and by faith believe the one who speaks the direction—the Holy Spirit!
Just another way of saying we live in the fast flowing river of God’s presence trusting Him to be the rock beneath our feet and the strength of our lives. God has not changed! He is the power behind the power. Staying close to the source of life that never runs dry is the only answer to a healthy soul and a balanced and productive lifestyle.
Related Reading: Psalm 18:2 1 Corinthians 10:4