One of my favorite things about being a girl is painting fingernails!
God gave us a ready-made canvas right on the tip of each finger to bring a little beauty to all the work we do with our hands (dishes, laundry etc.) I have a Christmas tradition in my home that makes use of our girly nature. It is a way I have tried to bring the advent tradition home in a creative way that my little girl will enjoy.
Each year we paint our nails in the colors of the advent candles. Conveniently, there are five candles, and we have five fingers on each hand. As we paint the first hand I share with her the meaning of the five candles as well as some Scripture to emphasize each point.
We paint one finger at a time and discuss how Jesus is our hope, our peace, our joy, love and our Christ. As we paint the second hand we learn how Jesus is no longer here in person, but He has left us as His messengers. “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” John 20:21. We are now to be Jesus’ message to the world. As we paint each finger we think of ways we can be hope, peace, joy, love, and “Christ” to the world. I like to think of it as a little Christmas anointing. Normally anointing involves oil and the forehead, but why can’t we as women use color and our hands which we work with?
The finished product is also a great conversation/witness tool. If people ask about the beautiful new style on your fingers, you have a great open door to a conversation about the real meaning of Christmas. Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
2014 Coypright Sarah Parham
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