We just never know what a kind word or deed can do to lift the spirit and encourage those we meet. Today, take a moment to remind yourself of some simple ways encouragement can be built into life.
Make it Happen
* Print out this list and add to it. Make it a family affair and get everyone involved in ways to bring a smile to others.
* Pray over this list and ask the Lord to bring individuals to your mind. This week intentionally offer encouragement.
* Is offering encouragement hard for you? Sometimes it’s simply a matter of habit. Ask the Lord to fill your heart with love and encouragement for others. Look up Scriptures on encouragement and put some to memory. Allow the beauty of encouragement to penetrate your soul this week.
15 Ways to Encourage Someone Today
1. Send a hand-written note.
2. Send an unexpected text message just letting them know you are thinking of them, with no need for a reply.
3. Call and pray with them over the phone.
4. Make a meal for a mom with sick kids.
5. Make a meal for an elderly couple.
6. Send cookies to work with your husband or take them to your workplace.
7. Point out something positive in her behavior.
8. Buy someone a small gift when its not her birthday.
9. Offer to do someone’s laundry or clean their house.
10. Invite a friend out to coffee…your treat.
11. Offer to run errands for a friend or to watch her kids so that she can run her errands by herself.
12. Ask a friend what she would love to have done for her and then orchestrate ways to grant the wish.
13. Invite a friend over just to fellowship.
14. Hand-make something for her to decorate her home with, such as a wreath, canvas art, or monogram decal.
15. Ask her specifically what she needs prayer for and then commit to pray for her until the answer comes.
“So, encourage one another and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV
Join us as we read through and discuss the Bible in 2015. If you are not on Facebook and would like to participate, click here for other options including a printable reading schedule. Share this mentoring opportunity with your friends!
We’ve started a book club! In January we are reading The Nesting Place by Myquillyn Smith. Join us in our private Facebook group to discuss.

About Hope Wingate
My name is Hope Wingate. I live in Hoschton, GA with my brilliant husband, Jonathan and two incredible children: Aaron who is 7 and Adaira who is 4. I am a very enthusiastic stay-at-home mom and homeschooler. My heart beats for encouraging young mothers and I enjoy lead teaching classes for my local homeschool co-op. In my spare time I enjoy: sewing, rubber stamping, reading and watching BBC shows on Netflix.