I have learned a lot in the past year as I struggled and strived through the first year of motherhood. It has been filled with exciting moments as well as those times when I have had to dig into the Lord’s strength. I either have nothing left to give or am tempted to give a fleshly response when encountering frustration.
This past year has stretched me exponentially.
However, one of the most valuable things I actually have “learned” has had nothing to do with which diaper held up best or the best way in which we should discipline. It has been making time to pour myself into the Word, read books of spiritual enrichment and, last but certainly not least, make the time to fellowship with mentors.
It’s important. Motherhood is a long season of self-sacrifice.
It is natural to place myself on the back burner for the sake of my child. These are three areas where I will not budge. In truth, my children need me to be bathed in God’s Word and encouraged by others so that all facets of my life may point them to Him.
With every life stage this truth still applies. It holds true for the young and the old, those with or without children, single and married. Make the time to spiritually pour into yourself.
I recently read an article in which the author disapproved of “me time.” She did not need personal time. I am not that mother or wife. As much as I love my family, they do not satisfy my soul and meet my deepest needs. I will confidently say that there is nothing wrong with “me time” being your quiet, still moments with the Father. On the contrary, it is actually healthy.
If you want a closer relationship with your spouse or a friend, a good place to start would be to make time to spend together. There is maintaining a relationship and then there is growing a relationship. If you want it to grow, it needs your time. If I only communicated with my husband for thirty minutes once a week, things would start to go downhill quickly. To say that is a healthy relationship would be lying to myself.
The same concept applies to our time with the Lord. Ladies, make pouring into that relationship a priority! Oh, the great things that it will do for your soul! That time with my Lord is what sustains, encourages, and grows me. If the desire is not there, seek Him in prayer and ask for a heart and a zeal for His word. There is nothing like meeting with Him every day as it allows His truths to wash over you and refresh your spirit.

About Lacey Hughes
Lacey is a first generation pastor’s wife with a desire to share the joy of the Lord with those around her. She is the wife to Les Hughes III, senior pastor at Providence Baptist Church in Jayess, Mississippi. They have a two year old daughter and a son they welcomed December 2014. Lacey is a stay at home mom who loves building community with the people around her and encouraging women of all ages to seek a deeper relationship with the Lord.