It’s amazing how God works. What I thought was going to be a plane ride for a girls weekend turned into much, much more. My story is about a sweet girl I met on an airplane. Actually, we didn’t really meet until she ran after me once we departed from the plane. After chasing me down, she told me the Lord had put me on her heart and that she wanted to pray for me.
Fast forward from June 2013, only four short months later, and it’s amazing how much my life has changed all because my friend obeyed the spirit and sought me out. Turns out (God is so creative like this) she lives just a few miles down the street. What could have just been strangers passing in the airport has turned into weekly walking dates and a very deep friendship. I have the blessing of hosting her baby shower next month and my life has changed in numerous ways because of her faithfulness.
She is a beautiful image of being a daughter of Christ. Her sweet spirit is electric and contagious. Love and joy pour out of her and have definitely captivated my heart. What amazes me even more is her faithfulness. Not only to the Lord, but her husband, family, church, job and friends. I still think about her faithfulness that day in the airport. She told me later that she did not want to approach me. Let’s be honest – who wants to approach a stranger in the middle of an airport terminal and ask to pray over them? But, because of her faithfulness to the prompting of the Spirit, my life has forever changed, in more ways then one! Not only the friendship that I’m now blessed with, but a new found faith as well.
Her faithfulness has reminded me to be aware of what God is telling me and where He is leading me. Even if it’s in something little like asking a grocery cashier how their day is going or asking how I can pray for a complete stranger. We never know how our faithfulness and obedience to the Lord can impact His kingdom, but when we obey Him, we can trust that He will do the rest of the work.
A friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17:17
My new friend (left) and I (right).
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Reading God’s Story Schedule today, 10/28/13: Pray and meditate over last week’s scripture reading.
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Caroline Harries works for the corporate world during the day, but during her nights and weekends enjoys spending time with her husband of two years, hanging out with friends, being outdoors, traveling the world and blogging over at
Caroline Harries works for the corporate world during the day, but during her nights and weekends enjoys spending time with her husband of two years, hanging out with friends, being outdoors, traveling the world and blogging over at