No one plans to spend Christmas in a hospital waiting room caring for a sick family member, yet it happens every year. This year consider beginning a family waiting room ministry.
Get the children involved by letting them choose a variety of snacks to fill a basket. Remind them the waiting room is filled with adults who probably do not want a basket filled with Twinkies. Ideas for a basket include individually wrapped packages of gum, trail mix, Honey Buns, granola bars, Moon Pies, cheese crackers, brownies, baked chips, peanuts, hot chocolate mix, danish, apples, oranges, oatmeal, small boxes of cereal (variety pack), individual microwave macaroni and cheese, napkins, plastic utensils, cups, dessert size plates, juice boxes, etc. If you would like to bake homemade items, brownies and pound cakes are good. Slice and place individually into Ziploc baggies. A paperback Bible and good Christian reading are nice to include. Attach a sign to the front letting everyone know to help themselves and the number of your church prayer line. If you have nurse friends at the hospital, ask them to let you know when the basket is empty so you can replenish it. Lastly, pray over the basket before it is delivered. Ask the Lord to open the heart of the unsaved to His Son, Jesus and touch the friends and family who are sick.
“Sin pays…except it pays in death. But God’s gift is life forever with Him because of what Jesus did for us on the cross.”
~ Romans 6:23

About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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