Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength. Ascribe to the Lord the glory of his name. -Psalm 29:1-2
When we arrived at my sister’s home to celebrate the Fourth of July, we found our relatives in a somber mood. Nicholas, our niece’s toddler, was missing in the Wyoming mountains. While camping with his parents and other families, little Nicholas had wandered away. Our hearts ached, and we fervently prayed for his rescue and safe return.
Many searched for Nicholas on horseback and by foot, but he wasn’t found by nightfall. The next day a canine team and the Civil Air Patrol canvassed the heavily wooded slopes and sagebrush meadows. When they didn’t find him the second day, we feared the worst. How could a 2-1/2-year-old survive another night at 7,000 feet elevation when temperatures dropped at night?
Hundreds of volunteers kept searching. Fifty-six hours into the search, one searcher stopped to pray, walked three steps, and found him–unharmed. Nicholas was sitting on his clothes in some underbrush, wearing only a diaper. Police reported it had been warmer than expected those nights. How we rejoiced and praised God!
In Psalm 29, David speaks of God’s strength. His powerful voice controls even the weather. Just as God was sovereign over the thunder and lightning mentioned in this psalm, he spoke in the mountains of Wyoming and the weather warmed.
Twenty years later, we remember this event as one of the greatest miracles and answers to prayer we have experienced in our family. It reveals God’s sovereignty, his mighty strength, and his compassion. It appears God changed the weather pattern those two nights and wrapped one small boy in the warmth of his love.
Mighty God, help us see the wonders of your hands and realize the power of your majestic voice. In response, we’ll praise you, and ascribe to you the glory and strength due your name.

About Lydia Harris
Lydia E. Harris is happily married to Milt, her sweetheart for 48 years. She has two married children, five grandkids, and is the author of a Bible study, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting" (AMG Publishers, 2010 release). She's also a tea enthusiast and writes the column "A Cup of Tea with Lydia."