Testimony of Faithfulness

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My husband and I knew the heartache of losing a loved one through a car accident while we were still college sweet hearts.  I received the call late one night:  my stepsister had been tragically killed only six days after her twentieth birthday. My husband had lost his aunt only a few years earlier.

The fourth of our five children obtained her driving permit earlier this year.  I would love to say that it brings joy to my heart when my children reach this milestone in their lives but, unfortunately, it doesn’t. It does, however, increase my time in prayer for them and my trust in the Lord’s faithfulness toward our family.

Only three months after our first son got his driving license, I received the dreaded call that I needed to meet the ambulance at the hospital.  The police officer assured me that our son and his passenger would be fine, and yet it still raised my blood pressure to see our son arrive on a stretcher in a neck brace.  The car was destroyed, but our son came out without a scratch.

Three years later, my cell phone rang again.  This time the hysterical voice on the other end was our second son.  A semi-truck had hit him, totalling his car.  I counted the blessings of another young son walking away from a wreck unscathed.

And earlier this year it was our third son’s turn to call home for help.  His car had hydroplaned in the rain, crashing through a road signpost and a small tree before flipping twice and, incredibly, landing on all four wheels. He left the scene of the accident with nothing worse than scratches on his head and knuckles.

Our oldest daughter began driving this year, and I praise the Lord for His faithfulness.  Each day I pray for safety for our children while they drive, but I remember that regardless of what happens, my God remains faithful to me all the time.  I pray that no matter what my future holds, I will respond to the Lord as His servant Job did, when he said “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.” (Job 1:21b; NASB)  For now, I praise Him for giving so abundantly!

Beckie's Signature

About Beckie Stewart

Beckie Stewart has been married to her college sweetheart for almost 25 years. They have five children, the youngest adopted from Kazakhstan. She loves Jesus and discipling others to love Him too. She enjoys writing, reading, scrapbooking, and watching the Lord work in prayer. Her writings can also be read on Exploring Adoption, Mommies Magazine, and Ministry-to-Children.

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Beckie Stewart has been married to her college sweetheart for almost 25 years. They have five children, the youngest adopted from Kazakhstan. She loves Jesus and discipling others to love Him too. She enjoys writing, reading, scrapbooking, and watching the Lord work in prayer. Her writings can also be read on Exploring Adoption, Mommies Magazine, and Ministry-to-Children.

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