Our August guest blogger is Tea from Homemaker’s Heart . If you would like to join our blogroll and become a guest blogger, click here.
I just saw the neatest video on yahoo! (Click here)
It was all about this guy who builds and lives in really small houses. Our house is small, bigger than his, but still small. For a long time I’ve wanted to come up with ways to use our space better.
Earlier in the year I went through and tried to get rid of extra stuff we had, but didn’t need. I did an okay job of it, but we still hung on to way too much stuff.
Am I the only one who has trouble getting rid of old knick knacks because it was given to me by my mom/grandma/dad/etc, or I made that in school, or something like that? That’s my biggest problem. I really don’t care all that much about the actual stuff, it’s just silly sentimental things like that.
So, this little video has inspired me. Before I saw it I had spent the morning cleaning out my sewing desk and putting my fabric and other artsy stuff into totes. They’re going to the garage and I’m just going to go out and get exactly what I need when I decide to start a certain project. (My desk had become a monstrous pile of half-done projects.) Anyway, I think I am going to talk to my husband tonight and see what he thinks about doing a major clean out of our house–getting rid of everything that we don’t need or aren’t using. If we can do that, then I want to start searching the internet for (inexpensive, d.i.y) ideas of ways we can make better use of the small spaces we have.
After seeing the little house in that video, I know there are some good ideas out there!
Tea is an almost-thirty wife and mom who enjoys blogging about a variety of aspects of life and sharing about how the Lord teaches her as she goes. She is a homemaker, adoptive mom and has been blessed to be a wife to her husband for seven years. Visit her blog, Homemaker’s Heart here: