The one and only rule for spouses is quite simple to remember. It goes like this: you are my one and only. We’ll repeat it again for impact: you are my one and only. It is the exclusivity of our love for our spouse that gives our marriage unique power and satisfaction. We enjoy a relationship with each other no one else on earth has the right to invade. We have secrets, dreams, and memories that are known only to us. We offer a level of respect for and knowledge of each other that no one else can approach.
The one and only rule cannot accommodate small compromises or exceptions. It must be all or nothing. Is there anyone in our lives today who poses a threat to our exclusive relationship? We must abandon that person and break off that relationship immediately. We must guard our spirit and not break faith. It’s our one and only chance for a truly fulfilling marriage.
“So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.” Malachi 2:16
Remember, marriage is for better for worse for keeps.
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About Cheryl Moeller
Cheryl Moeller has been married to her best friend Bob for 30 years. They are the parents of six children, one son-in-law, and three lively dogs. She uses her over-the-counter-top stand up comedy at women's groups and retreats, prays like it's her full-time job, writes a syndicated humor column, blogs about life with lots of kids at, and authors books such as Keep Courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage (purchase on their website) and Marriage Miracle (Harvest House 2010). Bob and Cheryl's passion is to connect two hearts for a lifetime. They have co-founded For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries
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