As I was ironing a blouse for church Wednesday night, a crumbly substance began appearing. Before I could react, the iron stuck to my top leaving a large brown spot of something on it.
Driving to church, in the aforementioned top (after cleaning it up), I realized what it was…
Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Bread.
Apparently one of my children decided to use the iron instead of the oven for toast. Maybe I should feel lucky we were out of cheese or my stain would have been a gooey mess.
Do you have those kind of days? Do you need a Mom break to recharge, renew, and refresh?
I would enjoy listening to good mentors who are ahead of me on this parenting journey. Maybe with a cold glass of Coke with shaved ice (I’m not a coffee gal), some chocolate, a comfortable seat, and (definitely) air conditioning. Women talking about issues such as raising girls, social media savvy mommyhood, having ‘the’ talk, parenting children with special needs, nuturing boys, bargainomics, home organization, and more.
Wanna go and meet me there? I’ll save you a seat and we’ll talk about how to remove foreign substances from irons.
September 23-24, 2011
You thought I was kidding? I’m not, save the date–yes, there’s a real event for us Mommies!
Birmingham, Alabama
MMCW is not receiving any perks for promoting .Mom–it’s just something we all truly want to attend. I’m serious, I would love to meet up with MMCW followers so we can take part in a weekend of awesome mentoring together. Special speakers for the weekend include Priscilla Shirer, Vicki Courtney, and Angela Thomas. There will be breakout sessions along with a shopping expo right onsite!
Make plans now–and bring along a friend! If you are a grandmother, consider bringing your daughters and daughters-in-love for a girl’s weekend. The conference is at the Sheraton Birmingham making it a one-stop location. The conference is $79, plus hotel. Call and book your hotel room, register online at Lifeway (conference host) and start packing!
Let me know if you are planning to attend and we can plan to meet!

About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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