“He tends His flocks like a shepherd; He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.” Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)
Jesus has such a simple way of loving and showing His care for His children. Isaiah 40:11 pictures a man simply walking the fields, gently showing his sheep the way to food and safety. It is an uncomplicated act of love.
For Christmas, I received a gigantic spatula from my family. It’s the best gift I’ve received since becoming a step-mom. Certainly I’ve received beautiful jewelry from my husband and irreplaceable cards from my stepson. But nothing beats my spatula.
I’m not a chef or kitchen fanatic, but on Saturday mornings I make the best pancakes in town for my stepson who is only home on the weekends. Early on Saturday, the dog and I go downstairs and get out the bowls and eggs. Pretty soon, I hear little feet behind us and there he is with adorable messy hair and camouflage pajamas. It always takes a little time to get used to being back at his dad’s house, so up to this point conversation has been pretty much yes and no with a few smiles.
I pour him some juice and return to my pancake batter. Pouring the batter, I enjoy the sizzle and aroma. The smell of cooking pancakes works wonders on my little boy. He starts to pet his dog and relax. And he begins to talk. Oh, the wonderful stories I’ve heard while flipping pancakes! We’ve triumphed and laughed over his stories from school. We’ve cried together when scary, adult things have to be explained to his little ears. I am honored to be the bearer of his secrets.
Without our pancake chats, we’d still be step-mom and child. My birthday card this year was addressed to “Mom.” Would that have happened without pancake chats? Such a simple act, however I treasure my giant spatula.
Emily Jordan
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