God has His people placed strategically all around the world, serving Him in important ways. Some of the ways may appear insignificant on the outside, but they may be the key to God’s plans. One man drilling a well in West Africa may not appear to have much significance. But when you understand that God had called him and commissioned him, you realize that much more is at stake. It’s not what we do that is important, but what God can accomplish through what we do.
Ezekiel 22:30 does not say God is looking for someone with vast influence, intelligence, family connections, or position. It says God is looking for one man among others who will serve His purpose, realizing the value of what God has created, and interceding for others so they might not face the consequences of their actions.
“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)
Are you such a man (woman)? Could your earnest desire to make Christ real to someone be the service that opens a household to the gospel or triggers a ministry that will bless many? It could happen, not because of your potential, but because of God’s ability.
One Christian man sent out a plea for used eyeglasses to distribute in underdeveloped countries. His aim was to help people see physically and spiritually. His obedience to God inspired other Christian optometrists who helped collect more than four thousand pairs of glasses for distribution in South American countries. Remember that the individual is connected to the larger kingdom of God. God can martial His forces in any country at any time if they are ready and willing to listen and obey. One act of obedience can be the signal to thousands of others who have been sensing God is up to something in their lives.
Excerpted from The Man God Uses by Henry Blackaby