“Grandchildren are the crown of the aged” (Proverbs 17:6 ESV).
“I love you, Grandma,” three-year-old Anna said in her sweet little voice. I smiled at her and replied, “I love you Anna,” and hugged her.
Then one day Anna decided to change the pattern and said to me, “I love you, Anna.” We giggled and I replied, “I love you, Grandma.” So began our little game of reversing our words of endearment. But whether I’m called Anna or Grandma, the loving bond remains.
When my grandson Peter was three, I used to tell him, “You’re my little sweetheart.” Later his mom told me, “Peter says he’s your sweetheart.” Peter is a teenager now, and my ways to show him love have changed. Though I used to invite him for sleepovers and take him to playgrounds, now he’s happy to receive a batch of his favorite cookies or a package of smokehouse bacon that he fries up himself.
How do you grow your relationship with your grandkids? What makes your grandkids know you love them? This Sunday, September 8, is Grandparent’s Day-the perfect time to love and affirm your grandkids. And if you’re a parent reading this, you can look for ways to help your kids honor their grandparents.
I’m glad God put us together in families. We need each other. If you’re blessed with grandchildren or grandparents, one of the most powerful ways to impact each other’s lives is to pray for each other. Why not set aside time soon or on Grandparent’s Day to do so? And if you can, connect in other ways as well, such as in person, by e-mail, phone, texting, skyping, sending a letter or card, or any way that says, “I love you.”
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of family. Show us ways to love and affirm each other all year long. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
(For ideas from A to Z to affirm grandkids, see the ABC Chart in Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting: For Grandparents at Any Stage of the Journey. (Link is an affiliate link. See bottom of page for disclosure.) The book also includes numerous ways to pray Scripture for grandchildren.)
About Lydia Harris
Lydia E. Harris is happily married to Milt, her sweetheart for 48 years. She has two married children, five grandkids, and is the author of a Bible study, "Preparing My Heart for Grandparenting" (AMG Publishers, 2010 release). She's also a tea enthusiast and writes the column "A Cup of Tea with Lydia."