Today after reading and watching the news and perusing Facebook I’m discouraged, downhearted, and dismayed. There is so much anger, pain, and just pure evil in the hearts and lives of people. I’m feeling pretty hopeless about this old world. It seems as though there’s nothing I can do to make a difference.
As I was typing those words my eyes fell on a paperweight I have in front of my monitor. Wow! Talk about an immediate answer from God! I’m His child. I’ve read the last chapter of His book. I know the end of the story. I know the hope that is found in Christ alone. I think you get the point. I searched google for images that spoke of the hope found in the Lord.
This is a reminder that I need to rest in the hope I profess. I cannot allow the world and its despair to rob me of the joy I have in Jesus. So instead of feeling discouraged, downhearted, and dismayed I’m choosing to be encouraged, cheerful, and optimistic. I only need to seek God’s guidance and He will show me what I can do to make a difference for His kingdom.
Jesus said that He has overcome the world (John 16:33). Yes, things will be hard here but this is not my home. In the blink of an eye, I will be with Jesus for eternity. That is the hope that is within me. How can that hope not overcome any tribulations I experience while serving Him daily?
Hope in the person of Jesus Christ Messiah is all I need to be victorious in life.
Today I choose hope!
What about you?
Ginny Holcombe, guest blogger
I am a Kentucky girl who loves Jesus! I’m mother to 3 wonderful adult children and grandmother to 7 fabulous grandchildren. I enjoy Bible studies, writing, and spending time with my spoiled puppy Cinnamon. My favorite vacations are with family and friends at the beach, any beach. My favorite things are butterflies, birds, and critters of all kinds. I enjoy solving puzzles and reading mysteries. I’m presently a ministry assistant/receptionist at Porter Memorial Baptist Church in Lexington, KY.