Summer Goals for Family Fun & Growth-Part 2 for Moms

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Last week we discussed in part one of our Summer Goals series priorities and recognizing areas of growth or needed change within our family. This week let’s begin mapping out our summer with goal planning.

Moms, here are some steps to consider when goal planning:


Set a date on your calendar to go through this planning sheet without your children.

  • This might mean: at your home early in the morning, late at night, when your kids are at a friend’s home, out in the yard while kids are playing, or going out of town where you can have time alone.

Prepare your heart.

  • Desire God’s priorities and His goals for your family. Matthew 6:33 says, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
  • Ask the Lord to give you wisdom and help to see His priorities for you and each child and your home, and how you can invest into each member of your family. Pray for His discernment on bottom-lining the most important priorities. Let the Lord know your heart’s desire is to walk with Him, train your children to love Him and love others, and to get a clear picture on what He wants for your home
  • Pray for His wisdom in every decision. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given him.”  Wow! We can ask God directly!
  • Desire His will; not what you think are priorities.  Jeremiah 10:23 says, ” I know, O  Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.”
  • Be teachable and desire His way. Psalm 25:4-5 says, “Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.”
  • Be willing to change your thoughts to line up with His best.  Jeremiah 6:16 says, ” This is what the Lord says, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.”
  • The Lord made each member of your family and He is the best person to help guide you with His insight on reaching and nurturing the heart of each.


  • Have a pen, pencil, calendar, and what I like to call my Thinking it Through notebook. This can be a spiral-bound notebook, your journal, or a section in your daytimer.  Make a page to list your summer goals.
  • Although you may write out a lot of things on the list, ask the Lord to help you see what the main focuses should be for this summer.
  • Write down everything that comes to mind on your goal planning list or in your  notebook .
  • Really focus on the category of each child. List each one individually and ask the Lord to help you see their individual heart.




The key to making things happen.

  • Put your priorities onto your calendar. Use pencil because things will need to be altered from time to time. Date nights, family nights, date with each child, vacation, camping trip, friends over, dinner date with friends, times/places to minister to others are a few examples.
  • Keep a list beside you as you are planning that includes a few categories such as calls to make / emails to send:
    • As you think of people to have over, doctors appointments you have been putting off, the need for estimates for a new roof, graduation portraits that need to scheduling, and countless other things you discover need to be handled, record these things under the appropriate heading.
    • Later list the phone numbers beside them and handle many (or all) in one sitting, with calendar at hand.
    • Record appointment dates directly onto the calendar and include the phone number in case cancellation or rescheduling becomes necessary.

Use your families’ input to help with overall plan

  • Individual dates with them.
  • Grocery shopping and meal planning with their favorites in mind.
  • Field trips and ministry ideas.
  • Lessons or outings that pertain to their area of interests.
  • Phone calls and emails that need to be made to consider lessons.

Challenge: Set a date to do summer planning. Gather your calendar, notebook, pen, pencils and contact lists.

Wednesday we will go through each planning category to set up in our notebook and questions to ask ourselves and family members. On Friday I will share a summer goals worksheet for your children, then conclude the series next  week with helpful home organization ideas. Be sure and leave any questions or comments!


About Rhonda Ellis

Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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Rhonda Ellis is a wife of 29 years, a homeschooling mom to 6, a blogger, writer, speaker. Her passion is mentoring women in ways that impact hearts and homes for Christ. Grab a cup of coffee or a Diet Coke (water is allowed these days too) and be a "back porch" friend with her.Come read her blog at It's a great place to laugh, cry, share friendships and transparent hearts while sharing deep conversations about our journey with the Lord. You can also join her facebook page:

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