Showing: 71 - 80 of 82 RESULTS


In fifth grade our class had to memorize the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer, an early American poet.  Mr. Kilmer was killed  by a sniper at age 31 in 1918 during the First World War.  Prior to his military service, he was widely regarded as …

Failing Eyesight, Sluggish Tongue

My eyesight isn’t what it used to be.  Thankfully, my tongue isn’t either.  Sometimes sluggish body parts can be a blessing. My dear brethren, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger …

Coming Out of the Pit

The Bible refers to our troubles as a pit. Unfortunately most of the pits we find ourselves in have been self induced.   The word pit simply means a hole, a cavity or a miserable and depressing situation.  And I am here to tell you some of us …

True Freedom

Freedom, defined in the truest sense of the word, cannot be dictated by the circumstances in which we exist.  Some of the most imprisoned souls dwell in nice homes, drive expensive cars, and enjoy all the luxuries this world has to offer. Despite this, they …

Look Ahead

The wisdom of the wise keeps life on track.” [Proverbs 14:8 The Message] You are uniquely designed—therefore the plan and purpose [track] of your life is an original—it’s authentic because God does not make any carbon copies—He does not use a cookie [biscuit] cutter. To …

Everything Old is New Again

“What’s new, Pussycat?” Tom Jones asked in a tune from the 60’s. The answer is easy.  In a few hours, the year will be new. And in 2010, almost everything we see prominently displayed will be new because we live in a society that highly …

Free, Indeed!

That long walk down the aisle to the waiting ministers in that little rural church to proclaim my decision to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior is one that will always remind me of freedom–freedom from sin, and the promise of eternity spent in …

The Divine Providence of America

Every morning when I wake up, I’m reminded of God’s faithfulness to this country.  The men that He brought together to steer this country with new ideas of freedom were not perfect men, but He used them anyways.  They were the vessels that He chose …

Spiritual Freedom

Freedom. What an interesting term.  It can be defined in many ways. In the United States of America we pride ourselves in having freedom to say what we want, go where we desire, and do whatever pleases us.  When we look at countries like Cuba, we think …