The Bible refers to our troubles as a pit. Unfortunately most of the pits we find ourselves in have been self induced. The word pit simply means a hole, a cavity or a miserable and depressing situation. And I am here to tell you some of us are dealing with some holes in our lives–some depressing and miserable moments in our lives.
Look how David described the pit situation in Psalm 40:2 “He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings.”
If you are in a pit today because of your own doing, then take responsibility for it. Stop moaning and trying to blame everyone else for your problems. Make every effort to remedy the situation as God instructs you.
You may be experiencing Christian growing pains.
Sometimes when we are being tried, we can think it’s a pit because it’s painful. Lamentations 3 makes it clear that life can be hard. Life is not just a bowl of cherries, sometimes it’s a bowl of pits. Sometimes in the rose garden we don’t get the flowers, just the thorns. Again I am not denying the blessings of life, not at all. Because there are glorious times, times of blessings and joy, times of rich celebrations. I thank God for those times.
But perhaps you are in the valley of despair today. Most of us can identify with this too. An incurable disease. A broken heart. A financial crisis that robs us of all status, style and security. Whatever it is, how we react to it determines whether or not despair becomes the ruler of our lives. Despair does nothing good to us. It will take its toll on our families, our relationships, and even our health.
First, despair distorts the facts and truth by producing an outlook of utter hopelessness.
Then despair dominates our feelings by keeping our attention and focus on the distorted facts.
Also despair denies our faith. Despair is not the exercise of faith.
Praying in the pit is not really a sweet polite prayer, but it is an honest prayer. There is no need to censor or hide or pretend to ignore our feelings. Just give it over to the Lord, all of it.
Maybe it’s time to pray: “Lord take vengeance and right all wrong. Make all things right with our enemies and with us. Father, have mercy on us. Lord, we believe, help our unbelief.”
Now you can say to yourself, I am coming from my pit of destruction. I am coming from my pit of heartaches. I am coming from my pit of defeat and doubt.
Praying from the pit can be a bold expression of faith. Because God can handle the pits. Here is the truth, God came after us. He came after us by climbing into the muck and mire of all our pride and walked with us in the pit.
Whatever the situation you find yourself in, remember God has a plan for you, and you are not going to find it sitting in the pit, wringing your hands and holding your head down. It’s time for action.
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About Jackie Henry
Writer Jackie Henry is the founder and director of the “Teacup Widow’s Ministry,” a ministry designed to bless, encourage and empower widows. Jackie was a widow for nine years when she met and married Rev. Larry K. Henry, who is an ordained minister in the Church of God. Jackie has served as the director of Women’s Ministries at the Lawrenceville Church of God for 14 years. She has been employed by North Ga. Church of God Executive Office for 17 years. Jackie and Larry have been appointed as pastors of the Dahlonega Church of God At Mercy Hill. Jackie has learned that God’s Word will mix with life’s experiences to create the wisdom that is needed for living. Her love for God has given her a winning combination.