A Fall Blessing The Lord bless you and keep you The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, …
Decorating, organization, hospitality and inspiration for in and outside the home.
Home & Garden
It’s Just Cleaning
Nowadays it seems we need how-to books, vlogs, blogs, and even devotionals to tell us how to clean our houses. Entire industries have sprung up catering to how-to-clean your house. My great-grandmother would have thumped my head or said her favorite line while holding out …
My House is too Small..Why be Hospitable?
My house is too small. They won’t have a place to park. The carpets are always dirty. Sit on the floor? Are you kidding me? I can’t cook. What if I run out of things to say…… Why be hospitable? Do people even need your …
Mission: Hospitality
Last year, I experienced one of life’s major moments: I bought a home. As a single-again woman, I beamed with pride on closing day. For most of the five years after my divorce, I lived in a decent-sized apartment. But I didn’t let that stop …
When Guests Drop In
It’s been a long day, the sun has just set, and dinner is over. You’ve managed to clear the table and get the dishes to the sink–even to give the little ones a bath. Whew! Finally, the time you have been waiting for all day …
Wax Paper Flowers
I love working with wax paper. I think it is the opaque quality it has. Plus it is dirt cheap. I wanted a bouquet for my outdoor gazebo. Something that could withstand the wind and rain in the summers of western Washington. I played around and …
Gourmet Meals or Ready Hearts?
It seems to my husband Jeff and I that many people live insular lives in today’s world. Family is a little island where accessibility is limited and if someone were to drop by their home out of the blue, it would be considered shockingly …
Weekly Planning that Works…For Me
Over the years I’ve tried a myriad of planners and planning styles: online, on my phone, a day timer, calendar on the fridge, and even a notebook filled with pages of lists. Once I used a software program called “Bob.” Bob was a talking dog …
Getting It All in Order This Summer
Having a plan for house cleaning and organization will help your summer run more smoothly. Here are a few techniques I use in my family of eight. ORGANIZING: What needs to be organized? Put like items in a similar location. Decide on area of home …
Jewelry Organization: Untangling the Mess
Do you have a drawer filled with tangled jewelry? I used to… Some prefer using a hanging system for jewelry organization such as Carla shared with us last year. She taught us how to use a bulletin board to create a fun and functional system here. …