Awaken to Hear

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“…Now Peter was still inwardly perplexed and doubted…” [Acts 10:1-22 AMP]

What do you do when you have prayed and suddenly a voice says something that is incongruent to your usual way of thinking? And you say to yourself, “is this God or my own flesh”? Peter found himself in this position when he heard that he must accept all things as holy and coming from God’s hand.

God does give assurance and direct confirmation.

1) When we’re slow to believe God will repeat the message to confirm His leading. God patiently spoke to Peter three times. “this occurred three times…” [v.16]

2) God’s purposes always involve and reveal teamwork. There will be others receiving an assignment for the same purpose, “the messengers…sent by Cornelius, …stood before the gate.”

3) The Holy Spirit will give the gift of knowledge “…while Peter was earnestly revolving the vision in his mind…the Holy Spirit said …three men are looking for you.

4) Specific instructions are given for Peter’s guidance. “Get up and go…accompany them without any doubt…for I have sent them.”

God has a divine purpose for every life—hearing, accepting and responding to His assignment will put you in the most amazing places and working with the most diverse people—suddenly His plan will unfold and His Kingdom will be expanded. Remember you are not alone—God has already prepared your place. His assignments are always God-sized, but He will lead you step by step. He will engineer the circumstances and you will know…this is God!

Related Reading: John 12:35-36 Proverbs 3:5-6

Diane Hale
For the past 30 years, Diane has served as evangelist, trainer, teacher, mentor, and consultant for churches of many denominations.


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