Are you perpetuating the myth of Supermom? I am guilty of doing so. I play Supermom when someone says, “I just don’t know how you do it all!” and I just smile instead of answering, “I don’t do it all!”
I also perpetuate the myth when I put the women I admire on a pedestal. In my mind, their sins must be few and far between, whereas mine loom large. Their devotion to God is always passionate, while mine is fickle.
The funny thing is, a lot of those women probably make the same comparisons, imagining that I am the Supermom while relegating themselves to mere mortal status.
The truth is, there is no such thing as Supermom. We all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. The evil one uses the supposed “Supermom” across the aisle to discourage us in our own imperfect Christian walk, while appealing to our pride when those same women stand in awe of us.
It is good to have heroes of the faith, just as it is good to challenge one another, as iron sharpens iron. But we attempt to steal glory from Christ when we suppose that the goodness we see in “Supermom” comes from within herself. My goodness–and yours–should point us all to Christ. He is working within us both to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Were it not for that great grace, none of us would resemble Supermom at all.

About Molly Evert
Writer Molly Evert is a wife and homeschooling mom to 6 kids, who range in age from 2 to 18. She runs an educational website, My Audio School (, providing access to the best in children's audio literature. She also blogs at CounterCultural Mom ( and CounterCultural School (
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