Show Me How: To Vlog

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Ever wonder how people get video content (Vlogs) onto their blogs? It’s pretty simple.  There are a couple ways to get started Vlogging:

1. Shoot your video and upload the material to your computer’s video-editing program.  Edit and save.

2.  Click the add video button at the top of your Blogger or WordPress editing page–it’s beside the button for adding pictures.  Click browse (in Blogger) or Upload (in WordPress) and find the file and upload, just like with pictures.


1.  Upload the edited video to YouTube.  You’ll need to open a free account with them first.

2.  From your uploaded videos page, click on the title of the video you want to vlog.  This takes you to a page where the video is enlarged and is playing.  To the right is a blue box with your username, a thumbnail of the video, and two lines of code.  Copy the embeded code and paste to your Blogger or WordPress editor in edit html.  The video will most likely not appear in the compose box, but if you hit preview, you will see your video.

Dawn Hays is a blessed wife and homeschool mom.  She blogs (and Vlogs!) regularly at Olive Plants, providing homeschool teaching tips, project ideas and words of encouragement, sprinkled with lots of humor.


Thank you to today's guest blogger for sharing with us all!

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Thank you to today's guest blogger for sharing with us all!

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