Praying God’s Word for Your Children

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One of the most important things we can do for our children is to pray for them.  We started praying for our children before they were even born and now though they are leaving home, our prayers continue to be one of the greatest gifts we can give them.  I learned years ago that praying God word has power.  It is a great way to pray for your children as well.  Here are a few of my prayer verses I have prayed for my children.

Deuteronomy 6:5 Lord help my child to love you with all of his/her hearts, soul, mind and strength.

Psalm 37:4  Lord help my child to delight themselves in you and to receive the desires of their heart.  Make their desires Your desires.

Proverbs 22:6  Lord help me to train _______ in the way he/she should go so they will not depart from You and Your ways.

1 Samuel  2:26 Help _______ to grow in stature and in favor with You and with men.

Romans 10:13  Lord when the time is right I pray that my child will call upon your name and be saved.

John 15: 4-5 Father help my child know the joy of abiding in You.  Help him/her bear much fruit.

These are a few of my favorite verses to pray for my children.  What are some of your favorite scriptures for praying God’s word for your children?

About Page Hughes

Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for over 30 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 4 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.

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Page Hughes

Page Hughes is a Jesus loving party girl who is always ready to have fun! She has been married to Dr. Les Hughes for almost 40 years and they reside in Alabaster, Alabama. Les and Page have been blessed with 4 amazing children and 11 fabulous grand children who are the source of many great illustrations. Page loves people well through ministering to their hurts, cooking delicious meals, and partying with the purpose of leading others to a deeper relationship with Jesus. Page’s goal in life is to go to heaven when she dies and take as many people as she can with her.

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