November still has many activities we can enjoy like shuffling through fallen leaves or sharing a cup of hot cider with someone you love or walking through the pumpkin patch to find THE pumpkin that’s perfect for making pumpkin stew or decorating the mantle or . . .
When I was a teenager (I really was once), my best friend Di and I would stop at our local pumpkin patch where they sold 10 pumpkins for a dollar. Talk about the good old days! We’d each pick the 10 we thought would have the most seeds and then hurry to Di’s house to cut each one of those pumpkins open, scoop out all the ooh and goo, and then rinse it off until all that was left were the seeds which we would promptly turn into roasted pumpkin seeds! Yummmmm! If you have never tasted freshly roasted, salty pumpkin seeds, hurry out to a pumpkin patch, pick a pumpkin or two or 10 and rustle up a batch of roasted pumpkin seeds so you can find out what you’ve been missing.
While you’re out in the pumpkin patch, take a look at all those pumpkins. Oh, what a sight—pumpkin after pumpkin in their glorious, matching orange dresses! But when it comes to choosing the one that will go home with you, their individuality starts to show. There are big ones and little ones, round ones and oval ones, tall ones and short ones, solid ones and wobbly ones, smooth ones and bumpy ones. Wait a minute. Are we describing a pumpkin patch or a gathering of friends and family?
Come to think of it, we really are a lot like those pumpkins, aren’t we? Some of us have a few extra bumps and curves, but we’re good at making others smile. Some of us have the same shape but aren’t exactly alike in outlook or talents. Some of us look really good on the outside, but for others we need to dig a little deeper to get at the really good stuff.
No matter how alike we are or how many differences we have, we need each other. It just wouldn’t be the same without you . . . and you . . . and you. Alone we’re just another old pumpkin, but together we make up quite a pumpkin patch. What a glorious sight to behold!
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About Susan Rehberg
Susan and her husband John will celebrate their 38th anniversary in December. They have twin sons, two daughters-in-love, and 5 wonderful grandkiddos, ranging in age from 6 years to 4 weeks, and a cat named Shredder. Susan is a cancer survivor, award winning poet, photographer, and speaker. When she sits down to write, her heart pours out onto the page creating poetry, greeting cards, books, and bookmarks to feed the soul and encourage the spirit. Her photos capture the beauty and wonder of God’s creation. Through her poetry she seeks to encourage others to find all they need in the arms of Jesus Christ. You can read more of her poetry on her facebook page: