Do you desire to learn and grow in the area of finances? Following is a listing of books, audios, and DVDs on we recommend.
God’s Law of First Things: Being Blessed Begins with Putting God First by Mike Hayes (Regal Books, 110 pages).
If you struggle with understanding the necessity of tithing, this is a great book to read. Mike Hayes teaches biblical principles based on giving God our ‘first fruits.’ As Hayes writes, “Although finances are a practical place to start, God’s law of first things goes far beyond money. It is an issue of the heart.” Of all the books I have read on the subject of tithing and giving, this one stands out for the simplistic and compelling way scripture and practical application are explained. Reviewed by Kellie Renfroe.
Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach.
When my husband suggested I read this book, I did not really want to. I was kind of put off by the title. Nevertheless, it did not take too many pages before I realized the value of this book. Before I even finished the first chapter, I was taking down notes about all the things I needed to discuss with my husband. David Bach does a great job of encouraging women to start being intentional about their finances, regardless of their age or how much money they have. His nine-step program helps women think through their dreams and goals and chart a plan for how to get there. To order his books you can go to his website at Reviewed by Molly Evert.
As You Sow: The Adventures of Giving by Faith by Bill Bright (Here’s Life Publishers, 222 pages).
Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ addresses head on the biblical principle of tithing. Divided into four sections, the book discusses stewardship, blessings, giving, and financial freedom. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection, discussion, and action. It is a good book filled with sound biblical wisdom. Good for personal study or small group discussion. Reviewed by Kellie Renfroe.
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