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Secrets of Contentment
A frustrated perfectionist, Molly Evert, shares her journey to contentment. Topics include marriage, children, homemaking, body image, and finances.

Testimony of a Godly Woman

When we love our husbands and children, as we are instructed to do in Titus 2, God will use it as a testimony to them, to the world, to our own hearts, and to the ages. Molly Evert.

An Honest Look at AngerDo you struggle with anger? Listen and be encouraged.

Your Best You
Carla Coroy interviews Your Best You author, Bonnie Groves.

Protecting Your Marriage
Many of us are like the foolish woman who tears her house down with her own hands. In this podcast, Molly Evert shares about ways women sabotage their marriage, and encourages listeners to allow God to transform them into a wise woman who builds her house.

Desperate for Holiness

As Christian women we need to be asking ourselves: am I merely desperate to hide or cure the “symptoms” of my sin, or am I truly sick about my sin?  Am I trying to change myself, through human effort and invention, or am I learning to live in the light of what Christ has already done for me and in me? Join Molly Evert on this important podcast.

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