Several years ago, while munching on chips and salsa with fellow MMCW writer Carla Anne Coroy, we talked about the book she was writing for an often unrecognized group of mothers. Late last year Married Mom, Solo Parent: Finding God’s Strength to Face the Challenge hit shelves in both Carla’s native Canada and adopted United States.
In her new book, Carla Anne discusses the growing challenge faced by many women nowadays–parenting alone because a spouse travels for work or may be addicted or disengaged from his family. These married women struggle to raise children, run a household, and in many cases work full time without the help or support of their spouse.
Carla Anne shares her personal story of raising four children while her workaholic and computer game-addicted husband was either physically or mentally absent for years. Married Mom, Solo Parent is the real-life testimony of a broken family and the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. Carla Anne shares private struggles openly, even broaching subjects many would consider taboo. She encourages women in similar circumstances to not give up, but to give it all to Christ. Her book is also sprinkled with testimonies and tips from wives who successfully manage homes and raise children while their husbands are away. Think military, truck drivers, oil rig workers, and husbands whose work requires extensive travel.
Married Mom, Solo Parent is not a three-steps-to-a-perfect-family book. Carla fills her book with practical tips and advice. I was surprised at the amount of meaty information such as: emotional divorce, discipline divided, making the most of mealtimes, and honoring the man you don’t see enough. If you are a solo parent, this book will be a goldmine of encouragement and practical nuggets for everyday issues. What you will not find is a husband-bashing or dishonoring book.
Published by Kregel Publications, Married Mom, Solo Parent was reviewed by Focus on the Family and is available through their online catalog and other book outlets. Carla Anne is also a ForeWord Book of the Year Finalist for Married Mom, Solo Parent in the parenting category.
Along with the book, Carla Anne has a companion small group study guide and journal available for free at Be sure and check her out on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest too.
Sitting in the Mexican restaurant sharing lunch years ago, I saw the passion the Lord has placed in Carla Anne’s heart to point women to Jesus. I recommend this book for any woman who is in a marriage filled with loneliness and heartache, raising children while her husband is elsewhere, or for any wife who is overwhelmed with responsibilities falling largely to her.
I have a copy of Married Mom, Solo Parent to give away this week. To enter, just leave an encouraging word or Scripture by midnight, Saturday, April 28th. One winner will be chosen using And the Winner Is and notified by Monday, April 30th. Winner has three business days to respond with mailing address or a new winner will be chosen.
If you are not a Married Mom, Solo Parent, enter the drawing with a friend or family member who could use it in mind.
All outgoing book links go MMCW affiliate
I was not paid or compensated for this review. Carla Anne did bless me with a review copy of her book. The opinion is my own, and I am biased–Carla Anne is a good writer and friend.

About Kellie Renfroe
Kellie and her husband Greg have been married 32 years and have four children ranging in age from 17 to 28. She co-founded Mentoring Moments for Christian Women in 2005. Kellie is a homeschooling mom who enjoys reading, studying the Bible, writing, photography, and learning how to cook.
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