This past Christmas was our first after moving to a different home, so I had new places to decorate. One of those places was a niche in my entrance. I decided a little tree and some garland would look great up there. But I didn’t have a little tree, and I didn’t want to spend very much. I wanted one about three feet tall.
I was having lunch with my mom one day and happened to mention that I was looking for a Christmas tree about three feet tall and in good condition. “Kind of like yours,” I said, remembering the tree that has stood in her living room window for years.
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “No!” She caught her breath and started fumbling for her cell phone. As she scrambled through her purse she was telling me she’d just given it away. She’d donated it to the thrift shop in her small town. She couldn’t find her phone.
“Quick! Call them and tell them I didn’t mean to donate it and ask them to put it aside for you!” I laughed at her panic. She was so concerned. And she was upset! She felt terrible for giving away her tree without even asking me, and now I might have to buy one.
I called my husband and asked him to stop by that thrift shop and check out the little trees. My mom sat on pins and needles. He found trees… lots of them! Which was the right one? He finally just picked the nicest looking one of them all. Turns out he picked my mom’s!
When he told my mom he paid $15 for it, she nearly cried!
That tree has been on my mind since then. It is a perfect example of Redemption. The tree once belonged to us, but then it didn’t. We had to buy it back. The process of buying back is exactly what Redemption is.
Jesus, our Creator, came and bought us back too. The price was paid. Final Sale.
Carla Anne Coroy

About Carla Anne Coroy
Carla Anne can be described in one word: passionate. After just a few minutes with her it is evident that her biggest passion is people. Carla Anne is an accomplished Christian author, speaker and business woman. Her favourite way to spend her free time is hanging out with her 8 kids (an even mix of sons, daughters, and in-laws) and many family “add-ons”. In winter you can find her cheering for her local hockey team and in summer she’ll be on the beach!