I really wanted to hear from God this morning. I’ve been craving it. I know He speaks and I’ve felt His Presence. I long for that. I thought it was a matter of stillness, so I tried to quiet my mind – which was utter chaos. Then the remembrance of the passage about God speaking in the still, small voice popped into my mind. I found that reference in 1 Kings 19, and read about how Elijah stood on the mountain and the strong wind came, the earthquake came, and a fire came…but God wasn’t in those. Next came a still small voice (the notes in my Bible’s margin said, “delicate, whispering voice”). My John MacArthur notes for this verse said, “The lesson for Elijah was that Almighty God was quietly sometimes imperceptibly doing His work…”
Even when wind, earthquakes and fire abound, He’s still there working. He may be silent right now, but He’s working. His timing is perfect.
God is at work – even when I don’t hear or see or feel Him. He’s quietly and sometimes imperceptibly working.
We sang the song, “Always,” in church this week and it was such a blessing. “I lift my eyes up…my help comes from the Lord…I will not fear, His promise is true. My God will come through always, always.” (I’ve included a hyperlink to the song on Youtube.)
I’m enjoying spending time “In His Presence.” How about you? Link up and share what He’s telling you!
Kathy Hutto
In His Presence Friday Link-Up Details
Every Friday we will link our blogs for a glorious time of sharing and visiting each others’ sites. In His Presence link-up topics may include posts related to prayer, seeking, and hearing from the Lord. Photos with Scriptures or quotes on seeking His presence are welcome. We will even be pinning some of the weekly link-ups to Mentoring Moment’s Pinterest board! Please choose to add the In His Presence link-up button or a link back to the weekly In His Presence post. Once you’ve linked up, visit two to three other sites that are linked up too–and encourage your sisters in Christ by leaving a comment.
If you would like to place the In His Presence button on your site, simply click ‘save as’ and paste to your site.

About Kathy Hutto
Kathy Hutto is a wife, homeschooling mother, entrepreneur and author. You can visit her online at http://www.kathyhutto.wordpress.com.
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