Have you prayed for answers in your marriage that have not yet arrived?
Delayed answers to prayer in marriage can shake and undermine your faith in God, if one is not careful.
How can we live with peace, hope, and faith in our marriage while waiting for answers to come?
– Look each day for postcards from God — sent to encourage you.
– God’s ultimate goal is building your faith — not solving your problems.
– The Bible promises God is always at work — even when we can’t see how.
– If we knew everything God knows — we would agree with the delay in answering.
– Prayer, praise and trust in God’s loving character will sustain us.
Psalm 34:6 “This poor man called, and the Lord heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.”
Remember, marriage is for better for worse for keeps.
About Cheryl Moeller
Cheryl Moeller has been married to her best friend Bob for 30 years. They are the parents of six children, one son-in-law, and three lively dogs. She uses her over-the-counter-top stand up comedy at women's groups and retreats, prays like it's her full-time job, writes a syndicated humor column, blogs about life with lots of kids at www.momlaughs.blogspot.com, and authors books such as Keep Courting: 100 Ways to Keep Courting After Marriage (purchase on their website) and Marriage Miracle (Harvest House 2010). Bob and Cheryl's passion is to connect two hearts for a lifetime. They have co-founded For Better For Worse For Keeps Ministries www.bobandcherylmoeller.com.
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