1 (46 oz) can pineapple juice, 1 (24 oz) bottle apple cider, 1 (6 oz) can frozen orange juice concentrate, 1 (12 oz) can frozen lemonade concentrate, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 4 whole cloves, 1 cheesecloth bag.
Tie cinnamon and cloves in cheesecloth bag. (If you don’t have a cheesecloth bag you can improvise with a coffee filter tied with a twisty tie.) Add spices in cheesecloth to crock pot along with other ingredients. Cover and heat on high for 3 hours. Remove cheesecloth bag. Turn crock pot to warm and serve. This serves 10 to 12 mugs of wassail. You can also cook the wassail in a large pot on the stove.

About Loi Palmer
Loi and her husband Chuck have been married 22 years and have a revolving back door with three teens. She has a successful direct sales business, and is involved in a thriving mentoring ministry to women--Mom to Mom. Loi's passion is cheering on young moms in their vital role as godly wives and moms.