When was the last time you stopped and looked around on a busy city street? Have you noticed that the majority of people are looking down at a device in their hand? This rapid acceleration and dissemination of mobile media technology is fundamentally altering how people think and relate to one another. And that’s just one example.
Important issues related to media use and discernment are discussed in the new film Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture, which will premiere nationwide through National Movie Night the weekend of February 3-5. The documentary is produced by Media Talk 101, a ministry that has been teaching Christians about how to exercise discernment with media since 2005. Produced by Media Talk 101 President Phillip Telfer and directed by Colin Gunn who also recently released the groundbreaking IndoctriNation documentary, Captivated was recently selected as a semi-finalist in the documentary category at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival (SAICFF) to be held February 23-25.
Captivated is a wide-ranging look at the comprehensive set of issues involved with our modern media culture. It asks some of the following important questions:
- Everywhere we go we are surrounded by screens. Have we entered a techno utopia or a virtual prison?
- Should we be celebrating unreservedly or should we be cautious and skeptical?
- Is it the greatest leap in productivity or the biggest setback from the things most meaningful in life?
- Has today’s connectivity drawn us closer to one another or strangely more disjointed?
- Is our social experience richer and deeper or more shallow and artificial?
Discover insightful answers to these questions from media experts, church leaders, and inspiring individuals and families from across the country, including:
- Bob Waliszewski – Director of Focus on the Family’s Plugged In department
- Dr. Jeff Myers – President of Summit Ministries
- Dr. Ted Baehr – Founder and Director of MOVIEGUIDE
- Kevin Swanson – Director of Generations with Vision
- Maggie Jackson – Author of “Distracted – The Erosion of Attention and the Coming Dark Age“
- Ray Comfort – Founder and President of Living Waters
- Tim Winter – President of Parent’s Television Council
- Trace Embry – Founder and Director of Shepherd’s Hill Academy
- And many others
You can be a part of the nationwide premiere of this groundbreaking film in your community by signing up to host a movie night for Captivated in your home, church, or other venue. A project of Freedom Film Distributors, National Movie Night provides Movie Night Hosts with planning and promotional tools to set up and promote their movie night, and with discounts for the DVD. Please consider being a part of helping Christians learn about and exercise discernment with media through the screening of Captivated in your area.
“Captivated” Official Trailer from Media Talk 101 on Vimeo.
If you are reading this post in email and don’t see a video, click here to watch the Captivated trailer.
Jason Matyas is the Co-Founder of Freedom Film Distributors, which promotes independently produced films and videos that uphold the values of Faith, Family, and Freedom, and he is the creator of the National Movie Night project, which provides a vehicle for grassroots promotions of these films in communities across the country.